Friday, October 7, 2011

Songs of The Day

Opening Up (+ Ce Soir on Danse Interlude):  I must say, this isn't my favorite day of songs.  I dig this tune, it has a solid groove and is not going to keep me off the dancefloor, but I think it may be too literal 80s.  The intro reminds me exactly of "Let's Hear It for The Boy" by Deniece Williams with the placement of the claps and what not.  I like the simplicity of the groove, and the movement it provides, it's just kind of basic.  I wish they'd made a longer song out of the interlude - I felt like that groove has a little more of a modern feel to it.

Momma's Boy:  This song is fucking weird.  It came on my shuffle yesterday, and I was pretty thrown off.  It's about being attracted to people who remind you of your mom (if your a boy) or your dad (if your a girl).  Granted, according to Freud, there is truth in that, but it's just such an odd premise for a song.  Even so, this song could be redeemed with a cool groove, but that is not found here.  It's pretty cheesy, which I'm sure is kind of the point, but I'm just not feelin it.  Claps are a nice touch, I guess.  It's good that it switches to to a more rock feel towards the end, but that doesn't exactly made up for the corniness of the first 75% of it.  Not feelin it.

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