Thursday, August 16, 2012

Final Grade: C+

I wish I wasn't giving this album such a low grade, because I love Joss Stone, and Introducing... is one of my favorite albums, but Soul Sessions, Vol. 2 just wasn't doing it for me.  Not for a lack of talent, not only by Miss Stone, but her bandmates as well, but I just felt like the majority of the arrangements had a corny, dated feel to them that I didn't feel showcased Stone's voice the way they could and should have.  None of the songs really grabbed me, which is unfortunate because the opener, "I Got The..." gave me a lot of hope.  I would have loved to have heard these soul covers have more of a current sound, while still staying true to the soul style - I think that would have added a lot of much needed substance to the album.  This isn't going to steer me away from Joss though, I'll be back when she's out with some original music.

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